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“We are seeing more and more of this being done by ordinary people with ordinary targets,” said Eva Galperin, director of cybersecurity at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Non-consensual pornography of public figures has long been a scourge of the internet, but privacy experts are growing concerned that advances in AI technology have made deepfake software easier and more effective. Describing one of the undressing apps, he said, “If you take them at their word, their website advertises that it has more than a thousand users per day.” “They are doing a lot of business,” Lakatos said. In addition to the rise in traffic, the services, some of which charge $9.99 a month, claim on their websites that they are attracting a lot of customers. X didn’t respond to a request for comment.

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“We’ve reviewed the ads in question and are removing those that violate our policies,” the company said.Ī Reddit spokesperson said the site prohibits any non-consensual sharing of faked sexually explicit material and had banned several domains as a result of the research. A Google spokesperson said the company doesn’t allow ads “that contain sexually explicit content.”

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